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After great pre-season game cam pics, then NO deer coming to feeders once opening day started because of the TONS of acorns this year, then HOURS of hunting and seeing NO deer, I finally got it done. I really think this big boy was curious when he heard my shot that took down a doe. Because, less than 5 minutes from the time I shot her, dragged her behind my stand in the shade, and got back in he showed up out of nowhere. Then, the only shot he gave me was walking away so needless to say he dropped like a rock when I hit him in the back of the neck! Just goes to show patience pays off and anything can happen in a split second. My unofficial score is 146 1/4 but I was conservative so we’ll see what the taxidermist says. Just a few more inches and he could top the 150 mark (funny how it’s always about a few more inches!). But, he is a great buck and will be a good addition to my office. Hope he passed on his genes to all the ladies before he met his fate.

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